The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten) | The Healthy Home Economist

The prevalence of allergic or digestive issues to wheat in the United States has been raising concerns. While some experience no symptoms when consuming wheat in other parts of the world, others have reported gluten and wheat triggering autoimmune reactions in them or their children. This discrepancy has caused confusion and led to the question of what is going on with wheat in the United States.

Intrigued by this, the reason behind the sudden surge in wheat and gluten-related problems in the past few years has become a popular topic of discussion.

Many have pondered the possibility of genetic modification of wheat in the United States, or the effects of gluten and wheat hybridization. However, recent findings have shed light on a different aspect that may be to blame for the toxicity of wheat.

The real reason behind the toxicity of wheat in the United States has been found to be associated with conventional wheat farming practices. It has been revealed that common wheat harvest protocol in the United States includes drenching the wheat fields with Roundup, an herbicide containing glyphosate, several days before harvesting.

USDA pesticides applied to wheat

Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT, who has studied the issue in depth, has highlighted that the desiccation of non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate, just before harvest, has become a standard practice in the conventional farming community. As a result, most of the non-organic wheat in the United States is now contaminated with glyphosate. This toxic exposure to glyphosate has been found to increase the yield of wheat crops.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, the majority of durum wheat, spring wheat, and winter wheat have been treated with herbicides. This has raised concerns among farmers and consumers alike as the practice of herbicide application before harvest is not licensed. The application of herbicides for wheat dry down has become a common practice, but its impact on the food chain and consumer health is now under scrutiny.

Wheat farmers have expressed their concerns about the potential health risks associated with the consumption of wheat products derived from crops treated with herbicides, specifically glyphosate. This has raised significant alarm among consumers and advocates for sustainable farming practices.

As awareness increases, it is important to understand the potential health implications of consuming wheat products from conventionally grown crops. This information underscores the importance of choosing organic and non-GMO products to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals in the food supply chain.

There is a concerning practice among farmers of using Roundup as a wheat desiccant, which not only affects the crops but also the consumers. The detrimental effects of glyphosate, found in Roundup, on human health are increasingly being recognized. For instance, its usage has been correlated with the rise in celiac disease in the United States. While conventional farming practices tout glyphosate as minimally toxic to humans, research suggests the opposite. Studies have shown that glyphosate disrupts mammalian physiology and inhibits critical enzymes in the gut microbiome.

The repercussions of glyphosate exposure are slow and can lead to systemic inflammation which has been linked to various diseases such as gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even autism among others. Dr. Seneff’s study highlights the detrimental impact of glyphosate on the human body, emphasizing the decimation of beneficial gut microbes, ultimately leading to disease and degeneration.

Given these revelations, it is advisable to avoid consuming conventional wheat in the United States, even for those who may not currently have gluten allergy or wheat sensitivity. The correlation between the rise in glyphosate usage and the increase in celiac disease and gluten intolerance is enough reason to tread cautiously with conventionally produced wheat products. This suggestion also extends to avoiding food products made with conventional wheat, such as the meat substitute seitan.

For those who wish to consume wheat safely, it is recommended to opt for organically sourced, naturally low-gluten, or heritage varieties. Additionally, supporting farmers and businesses that abstain from using Roundup on their wheat crops is vital to encourage sustainable and healthy agricultural practices.

It is crucial for consumers to make informed decisions about the food they put on their plates and its potential impacts on overall health. With the increasing awareness of the negative effects of glyphosate and the practice of using it as a wheat desiccant, advocating for safer and more environmentally friendly farming methods becomes imperative for the well-being of both consumers and the environment.

The Hidden Dangers of Conventional Wheat

When it comes to wheat products, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential hazards associated with conventional wheat. It’s not just about gluten sensitivity; there are other concerning factors at play.

In recent times, it has come to light that US wheat farmers have been utilizing Roundup, a herbicide containing the glyphosate compound, not only for weed control but also to expedite and increase harvest yields by hastening the drying process of the wheat plants. Shockingly, this practice has led to the absorption of toxic glyphosate directly into the wheat kernels themselves, presenting a significant health concern.

The process of drying out the wheat with glyphosate poses a serious threat as it becomes part of the final product that ends up in numerous food items. The implications are worrying, especially considering the widespread use and consumption of wheat-based goods.

One important alternative to consider is unhybridized Einkorn wheat, which can be used for various culinary purposes like breadmaking, pancakes, and cookies. It’s essential to note that Einkorn is distinct from the more common term Farro, which encompasses hybridized variations such as emmer and spelt. Einkorn stands out due to its unaltered nature, offering a different gluten composition which some individuals may find more digestible.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of the specific qualities of the gluten in Einkorn, there are resources available that delve into the scientific research on this subject.

It’s worth taking proactive measures to safeguard your health and that of your family. Even if gluten sensitivity or wheat-related issues haven’t surfaced yet, the potential long-term implications of consuming conventionally grown wheat are concerning.

This newfound knowledge prompts a reevaluation of our food choices, particularly regarding other crops that undergo similar pre-harvest treatments like barley, rice, sugar cane, seeds, dried beans and peas, sweet potatoes, and sugar beets. Opting for organic alternatives for these crops could be a prudent step to avoid the harmful effects associated with glyphosate exposure from non-organic sources.

It’s crucial to stay informed about the origin and production methods of the foods we consume, and to consider healthier and safer alternatives to commonly used ingredients. By making informed choices, we can take steps to protect ourselves from the potential risks associated with conventionally grown crops.

Source: The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten) | The Healthy Home Economist

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